We’re excited to announce that the Library Partnership Rating website is live, with ratings available for 9 publishers.
Library Partnership Rating (LPR) attempts to answer the question, How do a publisher’s practices align with the values of the library profession? Librarians evaluate journal publisher practices for alignment with select library values using the LPR Rubric and publicly available information. A journal publisher earns a score based on their practices. Librarians can use that score or any subset of scores from the rubric to inform their decisions about investing library resources.
Publishers thus scored have been invited to augment this information by completing the LPR Publisher Questionnaire. That information will be posted alongside the ratings, to present a more complete picture of the publisher’s practices, opportunities, and challenges.
LPR is possible only because of the many individuals who offered us their time and expertise as advisory council members, reviewers, and scorers. We thank them for their support in this effort.
Please let us know if you’d like to participate in LPR. Librarians interested in participating can become scorers. Publishers can request to be scored. Please look through our presentations and publications if you’re interested in more background information. - Rachel and Robin