To see complete rubrics, or view responses to the LPR Publisher Questionnaire, see the Publisher Data page.
Tiers are determined by the total points a publisher earns. LPR Tier 1 partners have practices strongly aligned with library values. LPR Tier 4 partners have practices that, compared to other publishers, are least aligned with library values. For 2024, tiers are set as:
Tier 1 = 46-61 points
Tier 2 = 36-45 points
Tier 3 = 26-35 points
Tier 4 = 0-25 points
In 2024, a publisher may earn a total of 61 points. While the rubric itself has a total of 65 points, there are four points that no publisher will earn in 2024. For example, the point for 1.B.i, “Publisher has submitted the LPR Publisher Questionnaire this year,” cannot be earned until the publisher has an opportunity to submit the questionnaire.